Sunday, December 9, 2012

12 "Days" of Christmas

Since the beginning of the month, Bailey and I have been working on a Pinterest inspired project to give small gifts to people in our neighborhood in celebration of Christmas.  We started with a bare Christmas tree - well, a giant green triangle with a star on top - and are adding an ornament every time we give a plate of cookies, bags of ice, or trays of cupcakes to various friends around town.

The plan was to have 12 ornaments and to gift one goodie every day for the first 12 days of the month. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezey.  


It's the 9th (soon to be the 10th) and there are only six ornaments on the tree. Three of which we put on in one day.

Mixing up banana muffins to take to our neighbors

You see, the lady that comes to collect the milk I donate doesn't always come on the same day every week. Neither do the trash guys. And the police that set up shop on the corner aren't predicable, either.  So I couldn't make up a nice little "advent" type calendar to go by.  We're just winging it (which is SO hard for me!).  

Day one (actually the 3rd); putting up the second
of three ornaments that day

But we're not giving up.  Yes, we have six ornaments to go and only four days left, but I'm bound and determined to finish.  And, let's be honest, Bailey's just along for the ride at this point.

Even if we have to change the names on the ornaments and give a plate of cookies to the chipa guys instead of the ice cream gal, we will have a dozen red ornaments on that tree by the time we get on our plane bound for home.  We will.

I hope...

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny! I love reading your posts even if I don't comment on every single one. Get that baking done and safe travels! Love, Ruth
