Friday marked our second play date with our pastor's twin girls. After some "free play" time, we played the most AMAZING game ever. The purple game.
Now, as everyone knows, all games have to start with a read-aloud. Okay, so I made that part up. But the girls didn't know any better (it's part of the game!) and we enjoyed reading To Market, To Market together. Ideally the story would have had something to do with the color purple, but you do what you can with what you have.
After the oh-so-vital story time, we covered the coffee table with Nala's bath towel, and I brought out a bowl and two cups. One filled with red-colored water, the other with blue-colored water. (Here's the part where you pretend you don't know where this "game" is going.)
The girls stood on one side of the table and I stood on the other, with the cups out of reach of their anxious little hands. After they identified the colors in the cups, I poured one of the cups into the bowl. Let's say it was red. The girls squealed in delight as the red liquid filled the bottom of the bowl (and no, we didn't talk about how liquids have definite volume, but not definite shape...maybe next time). I asked them what color was in the bowl. RED!!!!
Next I held up the cup with blue water in it and asked them again what color it was. BLUE!!! And what color will the water be when I put it in the bowl with the red? BLUE!!!
(insert grin over the upcoming teachable moment!)
As I poured the blue water into the red, the girls jumped and screeched as the water DIDN'T turn blue. PURPLE!!! they screamed.
After a quick re-cap about red and blue coming together to make purple, each of the girls took a stab at the purple game. They even discovered that it didn't matter which color you put in first - red or blue - in the end it always became purple when the two were combined.
Blue in one cup, red in the other |
Blue first, then red |
Red first, then blue |
Master mixer! |
loved this entry -Bri